First Blog

my frist blog ever, and I'm not sure this is even going to work.
I'm dubious about this whole process and computers in general.
How do these thing work, anyway?
Enough about my own issues and on to Madam's:
Madam X, for those who don't know is a comic I have created,
sell and destribute. It is what I would call a "minicomic" or
"independent" comic because I just use my images and a copier
to make it. Then I call it publishing a comic. Fun, hey?
Madam X is a bounty hunter in space. She and her crew have many
wonderful adventures and mishaps. Cat is her second in command.
Sawl rounds out the three man crew. Each have their specific jobs
on Madam's ship but mostly they just get in her way.
Madam X, Cat, and Sawl have been seen in the original four issue
Madam X mini-series (series 1). They can now also be seen in
Madam X: The Hunt (series 2).
Cat and Sawl are currently starring in their own mini series:
Madam X presents: Cat And Crane, Up On The Roof.
I have other comics and interests happening now, too. But I will
expound on them at another time. All this blogging has made me
sleepy, time for a nap.
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